Book ~ Table of Contents: Cosmic GPS

Forthcoming Book


Cosmic GPS ~ The Fusion of Ancient and Modern for the Road to Consciousness

PART I: The Mysterium of the Great Pyramid

Introduction to a Mysterium

Perspectives on the Powers of the Pyramid

The Genesis of the Great Giza Pyramid

The Multi-Leveled Egyptian

The Scientific and the Shamanic

The Key to the Great Living Pyramid

PART II:  The Mysterium of the Human

You Don't Think With Your Brain

Your Heart is Not a Pump

Your Meta-Morphic Organs

Your Threefold Intelligence

PART III:  The Mysterium of Existence

Emerging in the Swampiverse

The Earth as Egg

Humans Don't Come From Animals

Fire in the Middle

PART IV:  The Mysterium of Egypt

Egyptian Ignitiation

Initiation Past, Present and Future

Mummification for the Nation

Immortality of Consciousness

India in Egypt

PART V:  Cosmic GPS

The Great Pyramid as AI

Cosmic GPS and the Smart Universe

Cosmic Consciousness the Next Revolution

Living the Mysterium