Vibration as Foundation

                                              Masters in Resonance Program

Next Level 1 starts January 2024

Orientation Evening open to all

Live in Loft or via Zoom

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10 Session Program

Participate: Live In-Loft or On-Zoom

(plus link to video recording)

Everything in the Universe vibrates. Both the scientific and spiritual frontiers acknowledge the need to gain understanding of the vibrational foundation of everything. Increasing this knowledge will lead to new forms of energy, healing, medicine and communication. The door is opening to a truer understanding of what lies behind the fabric and forms of the universe. Realizing everything is connected through resonance opens access to the Cosmic Intelligence.

Vibration as Foundation: Mastering Resonance and Accessing Cosmic Intelligence...

... is a rich program that lays out the basic understanding of vibrational science, while taking the participant into advanced practices for a lifetime of greater empowerment as a Master in Resonance. Each session looks at a different aspect of both inner and outer sound, building awareness of how vibration affects us - and more importantly - how we can affect it, through practices such as dowsing, crystal bowls, hue-lumination, and working with "soundless sound."

Jesse with Dr. Ibrahim Karim of Cairo, Egypt, founder of Biogeometry, of which Jesse is an Advanced Class graduate. Biogeometry is a practical vibrational science based on both modern and ancient understanding of the laws of energy and physics.

Purpose of the Program

The purpose of becoming a "master of resonance" is multi-fold.

It is to open our awareness in a pioneering way to engage consciously with the vibrational foundation of all existence, thereby gaining greater mastery of our own destiny. With the increased amount of technologically based vibrations propagated into our environment, we can develop awareness so to be less negatively impacted, and more positively protected. By opening our awareness in an "energetically hygienic" manner, we can learn to work both inwardly and outwardly, to introduce beneficial vibrations into the world. On a personal level, this can lead to empowerment, and better health and wellness for all beings --- while making an evolutionary step to become a Master in Resonance.

Vibration as Foundation is a developmental program which blends theory and practice. Participants will be empowered with knowledge and skills to be applied for oneself and others, while extending our scope of access to interface with the field of Cosmic Intelligence. This is very much be a "doing" program.


Jesse Stewart has an extensive background for teaching this work.  He has been a science-researcher, spiritual-teacher, artist, healer, meditator, mentor and guide for over 35 years.  This program is a culmination of his experience, bringing the best of the best, East and West, ancient and modern, together in one program that takes people deep into themselves and into the nature of the universe. 

A major step was taken at age 22 when Jesse came across the book Spiritual Dowsing where he was introduced to working with pendulums and rods.  Since then he has become a graduate of Advanced Biogeometry developed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, and has done extensive study of Vibrational Science and Cymatics with Dr. Robert Gilbert of Vesica.  He continued to develop his capacities as a member of the dowsing society and training with the Clairvision School of Meditation.  Jesse has conducted in-depth research and taught on the secrets of the sacred geometry of ancient Egypt.  He has facilitated sound circles and sound baths for many years with his array of crystal bowls and other instruments.  He feels he came out of the womb destined to work with rhythm and frequencies, starting to play the drum kit in grade four - which he continues to this day.  Jesse now applies his knowledge and passion to healing work with groups and individuals.


Watch interview about Vibration as Foundation

Power Points of Program

. becoming more vibrationally aware - safely

. Cymatics: the science of sound

. working with energetic circuitry of body

. the yoga of sound & the sound of yoga

. sound healing: from singing bowls to soundless sound

. active meditation and brain activation

. sacred geometry & archetypes as capsulated sound

. the relationship of electricity & magnetism in vibration

. moving sound: Rudolf Steiner's Eurythmy

. 33 centres of the chakra stalk

. sonic self-defense

. working with groups to raise vibration

. pendulum dowsing for discernment: food, gems, friends, placement, etc

. be the new revolution in "God Consciousness" ... change the vibe ~ change the world

. & more

Vibration as Foundation:

Mastering Resonance

10 Session Program

(first evening is Orientation - open to all)

Participate Live In-Loft or On-Zoom

(includes video replay)

IF INTERESTED: please send an email with brief description of your interest and background that pertains to this subject matter:

An email with further information for attending will be sent when you email your interest.

PARTICIPATION: If accepted into this program you will be expected to arrive In-Loft or On-Zoom a minimum of 10 minutes before beginning of each session so you can become settled vibrationally. There will be time for participants to take notes, as they will be creating their own textbook of their learning. There will be practices given each session that need to be maintained. 

If required, you have access to private consultation with the facilitator, Jesse Stewart.

COST: $400 for the 10 weeks (please ask about payment options)

The sliding scale is to make this important work accessible to all who seek and need this knowledge and practice but may be unemployed or under-funded. 

E-transfer to:


ENJOY: Enjoy evolving your ability to access the GPS of Cosmic Intelligence.

Jesse is pictured here with legendary Canadian composer and founder of the World Forum on Acoustic Ecology, R. Murray Schafer. Murray wanted to compose a piece for Jesse's crystal bowls before he passed away. He is also the one who first coined the term, "soundscape," and after which World Listening Day is commemorated, on Murray's birthday, July 18. Jesse wrote the biography, R. Murray Schafer and the Plot to Save the Planet, mentoring with Murray for seven years.